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Can't get on top of the water.
Reviewed, NormalPublic


So I use the wasd keys to move underwater, and not the x/c get to move up/down. When I try to look up and use the w key to move, I can only partially get on top of the water. Randomly i can get on top of the water, but mostly I can't. Most of the time my screen will also do this weird grayish color thing. I think that we should either let you be able to get on top of the water, or not let you. I don't like the buggy half in the water half out of the water thing. {F19211}


Legacy ID
Swimming and Diving
Steps To Reproduce

get on top of the water only using the wasd keys (look up-ish then press w to go forward)

Event Timeline

robby86 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 30 2013, 2:40 AM
robby86 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
robby86 set Category to Swimming and Diving.
robby86 set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
robby86 set Severity to Minor.
robby86 set Resolution to Open.
robby86 set Legacy ID to 1547016132.May 7 2016, 1:55 PM

This issue was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.

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