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Soldier equipping remote charge with right click lets it vanish
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When you gather a remote charge from an ammobox with right click, the remote charge disappears.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Open Editor
  2. Place soldier (tested with AT-soldier)
  3. place supply-box (the empty one)
  4. insert 1 remote charge with an entry in the init field of the supply box.
  5. Preview
  6. go to the box and equip the remote charge with right click.
  7. search for the charge
Additional Information

this addMagazineCargo ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag",1];

EDIT CSR Kryssar:
1] spawn blufor MH-9 (with "this addMagazineCargo ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag",20]" in init line) and blufor rifleman
2] preview
3] get to the chopper
4] drop all mags/grenades
5] take all explosives you can from chopper bz left clicking on them in chopper incentory
6] you'll get 3 charges in inventory and 16 charges in chopper

Event Timeline

Egosa-U edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 26 2013, 8:06 AM
Egosa-U edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Egosa-U set Category to Inventory.
Egosa-U set Reproducibility to Always.
Egosa-U set Severity to None.
Egosa-U set Resolution to Fixed.
Egosa-U set Legacy ID to 1614189741.May 7 2016, 1:52 PM

We could not reproduce this bug. Can you provide us with video of this issue if it is still occuring on actual version?

Thank you.

Egosa-U added a subscriber: Egosa-U.May 7 2016, 1:52 PM

1.) It isnt reproductable for me now either BUT
2.) Right-clicking on the remote charge lets the charge disappear

I Edited the Issue to "disappearing charge"

This issue was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.

Please keep the issue monitored to see when it is fixed.

My report was closed as duplicate and referred to this one although I'm pretty sure it is not the same issue, however is related.

This issue should be fixed in dev version and fix will be in next update of stable version of Arma 3.
When you want try, so you can activate dev version in Steam.
Right click on Arma III in your Steam Library>Properties>Betas>development build
This version may not stable and it can contain more bugs, than normal Arma 3 Alpha version.