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AI when piloting choppers are above retard
Closed, ResolvedPublic


the AI when piloting a chopper is not just retard, is literally worse than ArmA 1/2/OFP AI when using choppers (or worse) i know its alpha, but if its alpha then i must give feedback, and there are just so many errors there, AT LEAST, i'd like to have an option to set waypoints for air transport support, i dont want to see the AI pilot flying at 100 m above enemy bases instead of using another path, and dont get me started on the AI getting stuck when hovering at 100 meters or less from a rock, or how the choppers wont actually land for the characters to load/unload, instead, hovering at 1 meter above the ground.

All of above is my opinion of why the AI when being behind an ArmA 3 chopper is not only retard, but the worse AI i have ever seen in any ArmA.


Legacy ID
Won't Fix
AI Control / Commanding

Event Timeline

Unknown Object (User) edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 20 2013, 7:20 AM
Unknown Object (User) edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Unknown Object (User) set Category to AI Control / Commanding.
Unknown Object (User) set Reproducibility to Always.
Unknown Object (User) set Severity to None.
Unknown Object (User) set Resolution to Won't Fix.
Unknown Object (User) set Legacy ID to 2416729167.May 7 2016, 1:45 PM