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Aircraft Speed-of-Light Explosion Chain Reaction (It's BAAAAACK!)
Reviewed, NormalPublic


The old bug that enables an infinitely long line of closely-parked aircraft to explode in a chain-reaction at the speed-of-light has returned. This was squashed in one of the more recent games in the series, but now it appears to be back.

I would venture to guess that this is also why when two aircraft have a mid-air collision and one of them explodes, it kills the other aircraft, too. Realistically, one of the aircraft should sometimes survive.

For one, there should be a delay between one aircraft exploding and the next.

Second, there should be a randomness to the amount of damage done by an aircraft explosion. Like a line of badly-arranged dominoes, eventually the domino-effect should reach a terminus.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Place a long line of closely-parked aircraft down the length of the airfield. Cause the aircraft at one end to explode. Watch how the whole line of aircraft explodes at the same instant.

Event Timeline

Uziyahu edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 6 2013, 12:45 AM
Uziyahu edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Uziyahu set Category to Other.
Uziyahu set Reproducibility to Always.
Uziyahu set Severity to Minor.
Uziyahu set Resolution to Open.
Uziyahu set Legacy ID to 1749351079.May 7 2016, 1:28 PM