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Game crashes on multiplayer when server goes down
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Whenever a server goes down for whatever reason, the game crashes and the windows message that the program is not responding appears on screen.


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

1 - Launch Arma 3 Alpha
2 - Join any multiplayer server
3 - Take the server down
4 - Observe the issue

Event Timeline

Arrthepirate edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Arrthepirate set Category to Game Crash.
Arrthepirate set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Arrthepirate set Severity to Crash.
Arrthepirate set Resolution to Fixed.
Arrthepirate set Legacy ID to 1484974958.May 7 2016, 12:37 PM
Arrthepirate added a subscriber: Arrthepirate.

Im trying to find the Crash Dump in my computer, please hold on.

Take the server down ?
What does it mean? is this your server? What version of the server is it?
What mission are you playing on the server? Are you able to reproduce this issue on official Arma 3 MP missions?

Yes, take it down. Shut it down, power it off, close it or make it crash. I don't know the exact reason of the servers being "down" or "gone" from the MP server list, but everyone was kicked out and some of the servers restarted (automatically I suppose) setting up the mission that was being played, and others completely disappeared from the list.

I do not own a server, I just play MP on any server available with good ping and this has happened on different servers with different missions (wasteland, hold position, TDM, co-op, etc)

duplicate. closing