So basicly i can't connect to certain servers, It just says "Connection Failed" when I join.
I have googled and researched ALOT. And many seem to have a problem with the routermodem i have Thomson-Alcatel TG789vn, People have reported problems with certain Asus, Belkin and Technicolor models (I can't remember the exact model number/name) aswell. So I do not think its a problem on our (consumer) side. I think there might be something conflicting in the game. (I'm not an expert but thats what the research says that I've found)
Reason I put this priority ar urgent is because this problem just happens to be with 2 of my friends. (I can't join their server.)
Stuff I've tried to fix this problem:
- Run Steam and Arma 3 Alpha as Administrator.
- Portforwarded TCP and UDP 2302 to 2308 in my router.
- Tried making a server to see if the buddies I had the problem with could join my server, which the couldn't
- Also tried turning off Upnp on my router cause this looked like a similiar problem that I had with Battlefield 3.
- Restarted the router.
Tried all of this but no positive results unfortunately. And now I'm hoping you guys can fix this issue a few of your beloved consumers are having.
I hope you guys can fix this.
Love the game so far! Great Alpha guys!
Keep up the good work! And if you guys could E-mail me on "[email protected]" if you guys are starting work on the problem. I'd love that!