ood job so far.
now. i know its ALPHA , but i think it will be not like this in the final too so please , try to make it real!
for example
when i Shot someone in the LEG, he FALL DOWN! what i mean is, he realy fall down , not going slowly crouch to the ground, and u are not able to walk for like 10 seconds, ( to make it not to unfair)
or when u get hit in the arm, he let his arm hanging for seconds..
it would be cool too when ur soldier get hit by bullet he crys "shit im hit!" or something like this, (more and other sounds are better)
when u run faar away and ur player need a pause, make a animation that he breathe trough the mouth..
i can write 100 more things, but in all i think u know what i mean, take time for it but this things make player happy! trust me ;)