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If mumble 123 is running - arma 3.exe freezes part way through loading
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If mumble is running then you try to start arma3 in normal way using desktop icon it goes through the initial part of loading then screen flickers and freezes with strange colourscheme - arma3 stops responding, at this stage it has loaded ~68Mb into memory.
I am running 2 30"(2560x1600) monitors with the game on 1 only. the screen colour change only occurs on the game monitor.
Without mumble running then game starts normally and I can then start mumble without any noticable effect except that, of course, I don't have the mumble overlay - suspect this may be problem with how game loads mumble overlay. {F17834}


Legacy ID
Won't Fix
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

happens every time as described on my machine, however my friends don't seem to have a problem except they do not get a mumble overlay and one looses the in game cursor as well.

Happy to provide any additional info you ask for.

Event Timeline

Jale666 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 11 2013, 12:36 PM
Jale666 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Jale666 set Category to Game Crash.
Jale666 set Reproducibility to Always.
Jale666 set Severity to Crash.
Jale666 set Resolution to Won't Fix.
Jale666 set Legacy ID to 3744830982.May 7 2016, 12:17 PM

Not an ArmA3 related issue.
Mumble overlay is a 3rd party software related feature, therefore the issue is mumble side, not arma's

Please contact mumble support. Thank you.