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Steam doesn't boot up ARMA 3 after it already been played within the last start-up of Steam
Closed, ResolvedPublic


A better amount of the time if I play ARMA 3 and launch it through Steam, play for a an hour or so, quit. Then leave Steam open, return for a few hours try to boot up ARMA 3 again and when it launches it seems like the cancel button is click when it boots. A quickfix involes just restarting steam. I think it could be my skin, as I haven't been able to reproduce it on an empty skin of Steam, although a friend said the same thing was happening to her. {F17374} {F17375}


Legacy ID
Not A Bug
Game Crash

Event Timeline

Teddiousbear edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Teddiousbear set Category to Game Crash.
Teddiousbear set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Teddiousbear set Severity to Minor.
Teddiousbear set Resolution to Not A Bug.
Teddiousbear set Legacy ID to 834805698.May 7 2016, 11:34 AM

Looks like a Steam issue to me. Is this happening with any other game?
What skin are you using? Are you able to upload it here?

Also please provide files from C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Alpha\. Just in case. Thank you

The skin is AIR by Prohibitor, Link the the forum thread here.

Yup this skin sometimes causes that the game won't start at all.
2 suggestions. Do not use this skin and also contact the skin creator with this issue.

As this is not Arma 3 related issue Im closing this for now