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Firearm Action Movements
Reviewed, NormalPublic


When shooting or manipulating the action of a firearm in game, the action moves much too slowly. For instance, when reloading the BLUFOR 6.5MM assault rifle, the bolt is not forward by the time the operator moves his hand back to the left side of the weapon. In real life there would be enough spring pressure to snap the bolt forward almost immediately after pressing the bolt release (odd placement of that on the rifle, by the way). Similarly, when firing, the reciprocating charging handle and bolt carrier group should be moving much faster, to mimic real life.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Shoot the weapons.

Event Timeline

EricM edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 7 2013, 1:32 AM
EricM edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
EricM set Category to Anims.
EricM set Reproducibility to Always.
EricM set Severity to Tweak.
EricM set Resolution to Open.
EricM set Legacy ID to 2904276062.May 7 2016, 11:15 AM

theres also no trigger movement when the guns are empty but still make a clicking sound, as if the trigger is been pulled

EricM added a comment.Mar 7 2013, 2:12 AM

Yes and I'd also like to note that when empty, with the bolt back, the hammer wouldn't drop. Rifles are usually not double action either, so with the bolt forward with no ammunition, the hammer would only be able to drop once. Same with the single action handguns.

It's not a mayor issue but it sometimes annoy you somehow. I don't know how but it feels like you are lagging EVEN on the singleplayer.

New issue to the bolt animation:
The bolt goes back and forward WHEN you are done reloading. Happens in all MX rifles.

Could this have something do with frame rate? Animations look very buggy on lower FPS.

I think a lot of the weapons have dodgy animations. Since ofp the animations haven't really been state of the art of it's time.

More problems are the like of missing magazines, magazines appearing out of the blue, model clipping and a lot of technical errors as already mentioned.

Would be nice to see even better/sharper animations.

Note: I know it's harder to make the animations look good since the models are an actual part of the player model and not just a fake client only model of hands and gun, but in this day and age of gaming, better animations should be possible.

Well this seems to be fixed.
The bolt goes perfectly fine now.