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Ka-80 (maybe H-9 too) instruments flicker when looking down
Closed, ResolvedPublic


when i am flying the ka-80 (armed ver.) and look down to the ground the instruments flicker very quickly, yes, my instruments health is 100% on the game, so i figured out it was a small bug, not really big though


Legacy ID
Not A Bug
Additional Information

this happened with no NVG, so far just with the ka-80, mid-day

Event Timeline

Unknown Object (User) edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 6 2013, 10:17 PM
Unknown Object (User) edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Unknown Object (User) set Category to Visual-Vehicles.
Unknown Object (User) set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Unknown Object (User) set Severity to Tweak.
Unknown Object (User) set Resolution to Not A Bug.
Unknown Object (User) set Legacy ID to 1736738831.May 7 2016, 11:08 AM
Thales added a subscriber: Thales.May 7 2016, 11:08 AM

Hello, can you specify your issue. I'm not really sure what exactly you mean by instruments. I tried to fly several helicopters and never experienced any abnormal behaviour. Please let us know in if you are still able to reproduce this issue in latest Developement build.

Unknown Object (User) added a subscriber: Unknown Object (User).May 7 2016, 11:08 AM
Unknown Object (User) added a comment.May 22 2013, 6:14 PM

Checked again the bug, it looks like the flicker its not anymore there, however, the GUI doesn't really show when the instruments are SLIGHTLY damaged or not damaged at all, that may be what caused that flicker a long time ago

I dig a little deeper and instruments are still work in progress. Therefore I'm closing this ticket for now but we are very grateful for your feedback.