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Xbox 360 sticks have no deadzone + triggers have limited detection
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I believe the control scheme needs some work for the xbox 360 wired/wireless controller, however i've already seen reports made on this issue so i wont comment on that. However when trying to assign custom controls for my controller via the keybinding method, it seems the 360 controller has no deadzone. When playing the helicopter showcase and experimenting in the mission editor, my helicopter would always cyclic right if i didnt consciously replace my left stick dead centre. The control pad itself is only 2 months old with next to no wear and other game have no problems as such either. An option just to have a deadzone for each stick using keybinding's would be helpful to avoid this issue.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Use a xbox 360 wired controller and use keybinding's to assign controls rather than use the xbox 360 controller scheme and fly any of the 2 helicopters (or 4 variants).

Event Timeline

LongRusty_Monk edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
LongRusty_Monk set Category to Controls.
LongRusty_Monk set Reproducibility to Always.
LongRusty_Monk set Severity to Major.
LongRusty_Monk set Resolution to Open.
LongRusty_Monk set Legacy ID to 316170063.May 7 2016, 10:40 AM

Forgot to also mention, the trigger's have limited detection also, the ascending and descending are considerably slower than using Q and Z, meaning control is not optimal whilst using a controller yet.

This issue was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.