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Problems when switching to desktop
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When switching on the desktop via tab+alt buttons, it happens, that I can not return to the game properly. When I try, the sound resumes but the monitor stays black and my monitor says "input not supported" - what usualy happens when there is an issue with the video refreshing frequency. I can´t do nothing (because I can´t see what I am clicking on...)

When I restart the game (have to end it via "close this task" from windows task manager though...) just once, it never starts properly, the same issue like discripted stays: sound but no screen. When I restart it SEVERAL times (three times as I remember), it starts without problems.

The issue happens too, when I choose the "autodetect"-button in the video options of the game.

I found out, that it does NOT happen, when I choose "fullscreen window" as display mode in the video options! When I choose this, I can change to desktop whenever I want, without causing the game to conflict with my monitor.


Legacy ID
Not A Bug
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Start the game and try to change to desktop via tab+alt. If it does not conflict, choose "autodetect" in the video-options. That causes the issue on my system immidatly.

Event Timeline

MadArrowhead edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
MadArrowhead set Category to Game Crash.
MadArrowhead set Reproducibility to Always.
MadArrowhead set Severity to Tweak.
MadArrowhead set Resolution to Not A Bug.
MadArrowhead set Legacy ID to 3398080638.May 7 2016, 10:32 AM

We need dxdiag and files from this folder for solve your problem. C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Alpha\

Can you upload somewhere in winrar package please?
When package will be smaller than 5,000k, so you can attach here. Thank you.

It could be resolved by choosing a smaller resolution in graphic-options. Now it does not happen anymore, I can switch between game and desktop without problems.