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[Alpha Lite] + [Alpha] Cannot completly delete the profile that was the last active one while exiting the game
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When deleting profile folder of profile that is the same as the one that was active while exiting the game - it is not possible to delete it completly. When you start the game after deleting the profile folder you will create the profile again just by starting the game. The profile will be created as new without any saved positions. Works fine when you delete different profile than the one that was last active in the game. Not sure if bug but reporting anyway.


Legacy ID
Won't Fix
Game Profiles
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Select profile that has any saved position in game
  2. Exit the game with this profile as active
  3. Delete profile folder that belongs to the same profile
  4. Start the game again and observe

Event Timeline

Bse edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 28 2013, 1:48 PM
Bse edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Bse set Category to Game Profiles.
Bse set Reproducibility to Always.
Bse set Severity to Minor.
Bse set Resolution to Won't Fix.
Bse set Legacy ID to 3144552662.May 7 2016, 10:27 AM

Added to NG.

  • If no profile exists, new one is created using the Windows profile name. This default profile can't be deleted from game.
  • If the last used profile is deleted manually, game will find out that it is missing and will create it again during start. This is imo correct behaviour. Saves deleted manually by the user can't be restored, of course.
  • Proper way of deleting the profile is from Options->Profile via the Delete button.