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Oficial Server 5164 South America SP Crash ever single day.
Assigned, NormalPublic


Subject: Complaint About the Instability of Server 5164 South America SP in DayZ (PlayStation)

Dear DayZ Support Team,

We would like to express our disappointment regarding the constant downtime of Server 5164 South America SP on PlayStation ( We are a dedicated group of players, and we have noticed that, among all South American servers, this is the only one experiencing recurring issues, going offline almost every day.

This instability is making the gaming experience frustrating and unplayable, affecting our progress and wasting the time we have invested. We chose this server for its location and the smoother gameplay it should provide, but the lack of reliability has been extremely disappointing.

We kindly request that you investigate and resolve this issue as soon as possible. The DayZ player community in South America deserves a stable and high-quality service.

We look forward to your response and a solution.

Best regards


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version

Event Timeline

VonHof created this task.Fri, Mar 14, 1:43 AM
VonHof changed Operating System from Windows 7 to Windows 11 x64.Fri, Mar 14, 1:48 AM
VonHof set Operating System Version to Ps4.
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Fri, Mar 14, 12:05 PM