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MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


With the release of version 1.27, a change was introduced in cfgignorelist.xml:

<type name="Watchtower" cheatCheck="1"></type>
<type name="Fence" cheatCheck="1"></type>

The intended purpose of this change is unclear, but it does not appear to be meant for despawning player-built structures on server resets. However, this is exactly what seems to be happening.

A player on my server first reported that their fences were disappearing shortly after being built or after a server reset. To verify this, I tested the change on my LAN server. After constructing a wall and restarting the server with the above modification in place, I logged back in to find that the wall had partially despawned, leaving only the upper frames.

I then repeated the process without cfgignorelist.xml change and found that the wall remained intact.

If this issue is not addressed, it could affect thousands of players, leading to widespread frustration.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Modify cfgignorelist.xml to 1.27
    • Add the following lines to cfgignorelist.xml: ` <type name="Watchtower" cheatCheck="1"></type> <type name="Fence" cheatCheck="1"></type> `
  1. Start the Server
    • Launch a server with the modified cfgignorelist.xml.
  1. Build a Fence or Watchtower
    • Construct a fence or watchtower as a player would in a normal gameplay scenario.
  1. Restart the Server
    • Shut down and restart the server.
  1. Log Back In and Observe
    • After reconnecting, check the structure.
    • Expected behavior: The structure remains intact.
    • Actual behavior: The structure partially despawns, leaving only the upper frames.
  1. Test Without cfgignorelist.xml Modification
    • Remove or revert the changes to cfgignorelist.xml.
    • Repeat steps 2–5.
    • This time, the structure remains intact after a restart.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Mon, Mar 3, 9:34 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Mon, Mar 3, 11:43 AM

Hello GraceKelly.
Is build anywhere enabled on this server?

@Geez Yes, build anywhere was enabled on the server. However, in the area where I tested it, I don’t believe it allowed any builds that wouldn't normally be possible with vanilla settings, i'll attach my build data below"

            "disableIsCollidingBBoxCheck": true,
            "disableIsCollidingPlayerCheck": true,
            "disableIsClippingRoofCheck": true,
            "disableIsBaseViableCheck": true,
            "disableIsCollidingGPlotCheck": false,
            "disableIsCollidingAngleCheck": true,
            "disableIsPlacementPermittedCheck": true,
            "disableHeightPlacementCheck": true,
            "disableIsUnderwaterCheck": true,
            "disableIsInTerrainCheck": true,
			"disableColdAreaBuildingCheck": true,
            "disablePerformRoofCheck": true,
            "disableIsCollidingCheck": true,
            "disableDistanceCheck": true
Geez added a comment.Mon, Mar 3, 11:49 AM

Thank you!