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Chernarus/livonia loot on sakhal
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I know this isn't technically a bug but I'm unsure if there's a specific place for feedback rather than bugs so I'm posting it here.

Does anyone care that official servers on xbox are full of players who loot on different maps and then bring guns and ammo onto sakhal that cannot be looted on sakhal?

You can't play the game in good faith at all because of it. Why bother making certain weapons and ammo types rare on sakhal when this is possible?

Immediately after the release of sakhal I killed players who were using mp5s, usgs, mlocks etc, and it has continued to happen since.

After the wipe I fully expect to see people loading in with yellow and green nbc suits (avoiding the risk and challenge of looting an nbc suit from geo like the devs intended) so they can just go straight to the new gas location.

They're cheating the players who are trying to play without exploiting the game and it feels like the devs are just letting it happen. Players shouldn't be able to gear up their alts on chernarus and load onto sakhal beach with 60rnd m4s and pox grenades.

Is anything being done to prevent this? If not then you may as well make all loot available on every map.


Operating System
Windows 7

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