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Network Connection pause too sensitive
Assigned, NormalPublic


On Xbox Experimental I am regularly kicked off the game due to network connection leaving my player frozen in game vulnerable to players and the environment. I am on Dual-Band DSL over Wi-Fi. This occurs on my local LA servers as well as any other location. With the current sensitivity of the network connection tool many players will be put at a disadvantage to other players with a superior connection. Additionally simple things like other players loading in to the game near me will knock me offline.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Be on dual hand dsl internet
Have any player load in near you

Additional Information

This is game breaking for anyone not using cable internet or better.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Feb 21 2025, 11:21 AM

I too have had such issue whenever my internet decides to have not even 2 seconds of 1% packet loss and on experimental it enables the PC HUD even though it's not enabled - this feature is amazing for those who exploit lagging out but rather than having a modal GUI make it an 5 seconds before disconnect with the traditional 3 squares icon with the middle one missing.