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World Editor Bug | Min/Max Bounds not lining up with the map size
Assigned, NormalPublic


I simply want to report a bug regarding the World Editor in the Enfusion Workbench that i feel is very frustrating to me and possibly many other map creators. I notice that there is a constant issue with the map bounds lining up with the map size. It is so bad to where you have to edit layers to get it working only to have it undo itself once you come back to the project. It makes it impossible to edit a map you are working on and even the temporary fix the community made for it only gets you so far. I am sure you guys at bohemia already are aware of the issue but in the case that you are not i just figured id bring it up.

Thank you.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Start a project / open world editor/ make a terrain and port your heightmap and satmap etc.

Additional Information

once you move the camera around the terrain once you've setup the map along with its requirements you will hit a invisible wall not long after you've moved around making it pretty much impossible to work on in that moment until you edit the layers and keep the file open so workbench doesnt change it back to default min/max bounds.

Event Timeline

Kobain created this task.Jan 28 2025, 2:38 PM
Kobain renamed this task from An issue regarding Enfusion Workbench and the World Editor to World Editor Bug | Min/Max Bounds not lining up with the map size .Jan 28 2025, 3:26 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jan 30 2025, 12:19 PM

I remember when reforger tools were first released 2 years ago and experimenting with map creation. Once confident, I attempted to build a larger map and imported the heightmap I was working on, immediately hit this bug... after days of messing around I abandoned the project.

Given the resurgence in interest for the platform I started from scratch with a new map and guess what, SAME ISSUE! I've seen that there are some temporary workarounds, I'm surprised the issue with the map bounds still exists.