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Randomized "Failed to fetch addon details from workshop API" Error When Adding Mods
Assigned, NormalPublic


We are experiencing inconsistent and recurring issues when trying to set up a modded Arma Reforger server. The problem occurs regardless of the number or specific mods added. The error message is:

BACKEND (E): Failed to fetch addon details from workshop API! Repeat later or try different mods.


  • When attempting to create a modded server with 150 mods, the server failed with the above error.
  • However, when we added mods in smaller batches (e.g., 10 mods at a time), the server eventually worked.
  • Another server with around 40 mods was set up successfully yesterday, but today a server with 25 mods encountered the error repeatedly.


  • Sometimes, adding mods in small batches works, and sometimes it doesn’t.
  • Mods that fail to load on a new server setup are the same ones we already use successfully on a different server and host system.
  • For example, adding even a single additional mod (which is small and has no dependencies) results in the error.


Operating System
Linux x64
Operating System Version
Debian 12 Dedicated Server
Steps To Reproduce

Specific Reproduction Example:
We attempted to create a server with the following mod:

The scenario used was:


This initial setup worked fine. However, when adding further mods one by one, the error reappeared.

Additional Information

Current Blocker:
On one server, I was unable to add more than 2 mods (adding them sequentially and restarting the server after each mod). This occurred despite using mods we know are functional elsewhere.

The issue appears to be inconsistent and seemingly random. It is unclear whether this is a problem with the mods themselves, the workshop API, or how the server interacts with them. The problem persists regardless of mod size, dependency, or prior usage on other servers.

Event Timeline

NeoNomad created this task.Jan 28 2025, 2:33 PM

Here is a full console log of a server start test, where that issue appears:

14:35:41.489 ENGINE       : FileSystem: Adding relative directory '/home/modded3/serverfiles/profiles/server/logs/logs_2025-01-28_14-35-41' to filesystem under name logs
14:35:41.489 ENGINE       : FileSystem: Adding relative directory '/home/modded3/serverfiles/profiles/server/profile' to filesystem under name profile
14:35:41.492 ENGINE       : Initializing engine, version 181464
14:35:41.492 ENGINE       : CLI Params: -config /home/modded3/serverfiles/armarserver_config.json -profile /home/modded3/serverfiles/profiles/server -maxFPS 60 
14:35:41.495 ENGINE       : Addon dirs:
14:35:41.495  ENGINE       : dir: './addons'
14:35:41.495  ENGINE       : dir: '/home/modded3/serverfiles/profiles/server/addons'
14:35:41.495 ENGINE       : Available addons:
14:35:41.495  ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859' (packed)
14:35:41.495  ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' (packed)
14:35:41.495  ENGINE       : gproj: '/home/modded3/serverfiles/profiles/server/addons/WorthyIslands_596CB4A0AE84C08E/addon.gproj' guid: '596CB4A0AE84C08E' (packed)
14:35:41.635 ENGINE       : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 4) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger
14:35:41.637 ENGINE       : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name core
14:35:41.637 RESOURCES    : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb)
14:35:41.846 RESOURCES    : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb)
14:35:41.871 RESOURCES    : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=profile path=/home/modded3/serverfiles/profiles/server/profile/resourceDatabase.rdb)
14:35:41.871 RESOURCES    : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=3 name=logs path=/home/modded3/serverfiles/profiles/server/logs/logs_2025-01-28_14-35-41/resourceDatabase.rdb)
14:35:42.024 ENGINE       : GameProject load
14:35:42.024  ENGINE       : Loaded addons:
14:35:42.024   ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C'
14:35:42.024   ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859'
14:35:42.025 ENGINE       : GameProject load
14:35:42.025  INIT         : GameProject load project data @"./addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj"
14:35:42.025   RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{C014582791ECBF24}Language/" in property "StringTableSource"
14:35:42.025 ENGINE       : Loading custom engine user config '$'
14:35:42.025 INIT         : GameProject engine user settings load @"$"
14:35:42.025  ENGINE       : Engine user settings config loaded
14:35:42.026 RENDER       : Basic screen setup:
14:35:42.026 RENDER       :   Back buffer width x height: 0x0
14:35:42.026 RENDER       :   Back buffer format	       : TEXFMT_UNKNOWN (0)
14:35:42.026 RENDER       :   MSAA                      : none
14:35:42.026 RENDER       : GPU_DUMMY (0xFFFF) (Enfusion dummy render) with 1 GPU detected, VRAM 128MB (fast 128MB), shared 128MB, driver version Unknown version, stereo not available
14:35:42.026 RENDER       : Detected output devices:
14:35:42.026 RENDER       :  * 1 device/s connected to Dummy:
14:35:42.026 RENDER       :    Dummy output (Dummy device for our dummy render.), 1920x1080 (offset 0x0), 60Hz
14:35:42.026 RENDER       :   Concurrent frames limit 2
14:35:42.026 ENGINE       : Job system settings: coreCount=8, shortJobContextCount=8, shortJobThreadCount=7, longJobThreadCount=3
14:35:42.068 AUDIO     (E): Audio device initialization failed with error: 9
14:35:42.070 ENGINE       : Initializing inputs.
14:35:42.075 NETWORK      : Initializing networking.
14:35:42.076 SCRIPT       : SCRIPT       : Initializing scripts
14:35:42.076  SCRIPT       : SCRIPT       : ScriptProjectManager init
14:35:42.076  PROFILING    : ScriptProjectManager init took: 0.015000 ms
14:35:42.095 PROFILING    : Initializing scripts took: 19.173000 ms
14:35:42.095 ENGINE       : Enfusion engine successfully created.
14:35:42.197 GUI          : Using default language (en_us)
14:35:42.197 GUI          : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
14:35:42.197 INIT         : INIT         : Loading StringTable
14:35:42.233 PROFILING    : Loading StringTable took: 36.286000 ms
14:35:42.233 SCRIPT       : SCRIPT       : Compiling GameLib scripts
14:35:42.259  SCRIPT       : Module: GameLib; loaded 301x files; 528x classes; used 478/2097 kB (22%) of static memory; defines: "PLATFORM_LINUX,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE,ENF_ENABLE_RPLCOMPONENT_IN_GAMECODE"; CRC32: 3bbbb874
14:35:42.263 PROFILING    : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 29.669000 ms
14:35:42.263 SCRIPT       : SCRIPT       : Compiling Game scripts
14:35:42.995 SCRIPT       : Compiling Game scripts
14:35:42.995  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/Campaign/UI/SCR_CampaignUIMutePlayerComponent.c,28": 'GetPlayerBlockedState' is obsolete: Session blocking is no longer supported.
14:35:42.995  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/Campaign/UI/SCR_CampaignUIMutePlayerComponent.c,30": 'SetPlayerBlockedState' is obsolete: Session blocking is no longer supported.
14:35:42.995  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/Campaign/UI/SCR_CampaignUIMutePlayerComponent.c,35": 'SetPlayerBlockedState' is obsolete: Session blocking is no longer supported.
14:35:43.206  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/Groups/SCR_GroupTileButton.c,671": 'GetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.IsMuted(playerId).
14:35:43.319  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,436": 'SetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.SetMuted(playerId, muted).
14:35:43.319  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,438": 'GetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.IsMuted(playerId).
14:35:43.319  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,499": 'GetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.IsMuted(playerId).
14:35:43.319  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,474": Variable 'enableBlock' is not used
14:35:43.320  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,1133": 'GetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.IsMuted(playerId).
14:35:43.320  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,1136": 'GetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.IsMuted(playerId).
14:35:43.320  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,1140": 'GetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.IsMuted(playerId).
14:35:44.229 PROFILING    : Compiling Game scripts took: 1965.753000 ms
14:35:44.230 INIT         : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2025-01-21 9:02:04 UTC.
14:35:44.245 BACKEND      : Loading dedicated server config.
14:35:44.245  BACKEND      : Server config loaded.
14:35:44.245  BACKEND      : JSON Schema Validation:
14:35:44.245   BACKEND      : JSON is Valid
14:35:44.245 BACKEND      : Loading dedicated server config.
14:35:44.245  RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{7BC26915A7F750B1}Missions/WorthyIslands_Conflict.conf"
14:35:44.246   RESOURCES (E): Failed to open
14:35:44.246  RESOURCES (E): MissionHeader::ReadMissionHeader cannot load the resource 'Missions/WorthyIslands_Conflict.conf'!
14:35:44.251 ENGINE       : Game successfully created.
14:35:44.276 PLATFORM     : Save data from container 'settings' have been loaded
14:35:44.375 PLATFORM     : Save data from container 'sessions' have been loaded
14:35:44.375 PLATFORM     : GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf"
14:35:44.375  ENGINE       : Game user settings config loaded
14:35:44.375 NETWORK      : Starting dedicated server using command line args.
14:35:45.962 BACKEND      : Addon Download started 595F2BF2F44836FB - RHS - Status Quo
14:35:45.962 BACKEND      : Downloading 595F2BF2F44836FB version 0.10.4075
14:35:46.657 BACKEND   (E): Fragmentizer: Unable to create file '/tmp/595F2BF2F44836FB/data.pak//72743eec2a04636e0317b383b8f642e710bb5078659f6e7cb3d8906d4b8f9106b717af05f36112a44fd15c8a1eee9d274653da846b7a57dca7d31aef0f8bd275'
14:35:46.679 BACKEND   (E): Failed to fetch addon details from workshop API! Repeat later or try different mods.
14:35:46.679 BACKEND   (E): Failed to fetch addon details from workshop API! Repeat later or try different mods.
14:35:46.859 ENGINE    (E): Unable to initialize the game
14:35:46.878 ENGINE       : Game destroyed.
14:35:46.894 RPL          : Pip::Destroy
14:35:46.895 RESOURCES (E): ==== Resource leaks ====
14:35:46.895 RESOURCES (E): ui/fonts/robotomono_msdf_28.edds   1

Creating exactly that server from local hosting from the game (not server) works just fine, cause the mods are already downloaded with the Ingame-Workshop.

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jan 30 2025, 12:21 PM
eas added a subscriber: eas.EditedFeb 7 2025, 2:19 PM

I have the exact same problem with identical tshoot results. Is there a workaround, other than the manually downloading hundreds of mods? My server is Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

DarkWolf claimed this task.Sun, Feb 16, 1:48 AM
eas added a comment.Tue, Feb 18, 12:29 PM

In my case (with emtied addons -directory) the server start errors in the same mod (RHS - Status Quo) or another, seemingly random like original poster said.
` BACKEND : RHS - Status Quo: >____________________ 0% 0/0 MB
BACKEND : Download speed 11744.26 KB/s
BACKEND (E): Fragmentizer: Unable to create file '/tmp/596330D9AF34AF38/data.pak//d84ccd496bb5bfebb6e486a99a913f98e6efa233dcb37fae793e0cfd823d419b29d84e16745b828bd45e351eff5c89d2b07f23686d23afa192a64cb2dc256eec'
BACKEND (E): Failed to fetch addon details from workshop API! Repeat later or try different mods.
ENGINE (E): Unable to initialize the game
ENGINE : Game destroyed.
RPL : Pip::Destroy
RESOURCES (E): ==== Resource leaks ====
RESOURCES (E): ui/fonts/robotomono_msdf_28.edds 1`

` "mods": [

			"modId": "21209DA9CF32FBE9",
			"name": "COE2-Fallujah",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5D84C738432BFE6A",
			"name": "WolfsBuildingPack",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5F0D245931200FD1",
			"name": "Railway Generator",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5E1735DB431EE29B",
			"name": "Gulfcoast Buildings",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5F04F5A0383C44B1",
			"name": "Fallujah Map by Heine",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "60B524F7A5AE96A8",
			"name": "Arma Terrain Core",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5D931A33AEB81FA3",
			"name": "Taliban Mod",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5F2944B7474F043F",
			"name": "Disable Game Master Budgets",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "611ABE2F73802440",
			"name": "WZ Turrets",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5E389BB9F58B79A6",
			"name": "SpaceCore",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "629B2BA37EFFD577",
			"name": "WCS_Armament",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "62B0555FF0A21CA6",
			"name": "Coalition Static Weapons",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "62B9697530F35526",
			"name": "CSW WZ Compat",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "59A30ACC02650E71",
			"name": "Night Vision Systems",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5A7B79D8A910A4D1",
			"name": "Enhanced Weapon Immersion 2.6",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5EB744C5F42E0800",
			"name": "ACE Chopping",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "59673B6FBB95459F",
			"name": "BetterTracers 2.0",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "60EAEA0389DB3CC2",
			"name": "ACE Trenches",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5D9ECAD071E9ECBC",
			"name": "HMMWV  VARIANTS PACK",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "613B4DD4A91CA144",
			"name": "LM Suppression",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "609E8CAD8A403EA6",
			"name": "Map Marker Menu Fix",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "606B100247F5C709",
			"name": "Bacon Loadout Editor",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "60E2D7E5A20FABEB",
			"name": "Keep Abandoned Vehicles",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "632759EBF041FA2D",
			"name": "CM-SquadRadioSound",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5B0D1E4380971EBD",
			"name": "COALITION Squad Interface",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "611CB1D409001EB0",
			"name": "ACE Magazine Repack",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "61B7763A8AEB53B7",
			"name": "ACE Explosives",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "61BCC264BD3DB22E",
			"name": "COE2 - RHS Patch",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "60C4CE4888FF4621",
			"name": "ACE Core",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "60612C225328522E",
			"name": "No Weapon Drop Unconscious",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5F268647F8A1A1F4",
			"name": "CRX Enfusion A.I.",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "60C4C12DAE90727B",
			"name": "ACE Medical",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5EE2A316699473D1",
			"name": "Third Person Vehicle Only",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "595F2BF2F44836FB",
			"name": "RHS - Status Quo",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "60926835F4A7B0CA",
			"name": "COE2",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "606C369BAC3F6CC3",
			"name": "ACE Finger",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "596330D9AF34AF38",
			"name": "ToH ReCharacters",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5DBD560C5148E1DA",
			"name": "ACE Carrying",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "6214CEA5DA92BFF3",
			"name": "ACE Medical Prototypes",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5E92F5A4A1B75A75",
			"name": "Player Map Markers",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "59EAA899751805DF",
			"name": "Stun Grenade",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "60E573C9B04CC408",
			"name": "ACE Backblast",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "61791860AD6BE09F",
			"name": "ToH ReCharacters Camo",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "5ED61DC0AFE17E8E",
			"name": "Kex Scenario Core",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "61B5491AD20D8DF2",
			"name": "Dragger",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "60B8E15B61C3F97A",
			"name": "vPad_test",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "61FF27D67BBDB412",
			"name": "HCA_RadUI",
			"version": ""
			"modId": "59651354B2904BA6",
			"name": "BetterHitsEffects 3.0 Alpha",
			"version": ""
