1.- During item switching, it sometimes gets stuck in your hand and you can't switch to another item. You can't drop it, switch it, throw it. Items that can get stuck are weapons, melee weapons, tools, repair items.
The only way to "fix" the problem is to log out and back to the server but it will happen again.
I don't know when the bug occurs, but it may be related to the bug with the sound and animation of the item when you switch items from inventory to hand.
2.- The bug its when you have a weapon, knife or other item, the animation is faster and quieter when the item switches from inventory to hand. and when you put back the item from hand to your inventory the sound effects of switch start to play and the animation of put the item in your inventory start with no problem
3.- this bug its more of spawn of loot in livonia bunker i have been in the bunker level 2 and i cant find any ka 101 and plate carrier (green and black) where thous spawn