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Multi Account Miligation - Control Penalty Timer
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Feature Request - Control Penalty Timer on Multi Account Mitigation Setting

When player use alt accounts or different people from the same household (device) the Multi Account Detection reports the connecting device and set a penalty timer in minutes to the connection. It multiplies and does not allow the player to connect for x minutes.

Could it be possible that server owners/admin would be allowed to control those penalty counters and wait time in minutes?

PvE or Role Play server often use Alt Accounts for traders, offered service like medic, taxi, builders or admins/modders which park several accounts around the maps to be in time at the situation. The control of the timers would allow this to happen and still track the device connection.
Multi Account Mitigation information are used in bots to track and block hostile players with different accounts from interrupting the servers gameplay.
The block would happen on a device level then rather than per connecting player account which is a much more efficient way.

The Service already can be controlled (on/off) via the Web Gui. Additionally the control of how long or even if a time wait is set would be very helpful.

Thank you


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

feature request

Additional Information

feature request

Event Timeline

Armin created this task.Jan 18 2025, 12:33 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 20 2025, 4:14 PM

This is a great idea, even better would be add a new mitigationBypassWhitelist option that way instead of directly controlling the time, allow whitelisted players to bypass it instead, useful for specific players rather then everyone. In RP or PVP servers