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Ps5 Problems big issues
Feedback, NormalPublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number: official Actual
Modded?: (No)

Issue Description:

Very much PS5 players have the issue that they : Unable to firering any weapon in Aim with R2 button, its not make any change of activating or deaavtivating the adaptive trigger Mode... (becouse this we have to make a combination buttons for aim... and cganging the Fire buttons) its very uncomfortable...

Night issue, pc players have Filters to make their Nights more brighter , consol players sits as ducks at night at 1 position and waiting daylight.... i cant imagine that in real cold war they sitted all at night as ducks and waitibg for Operation in Daylights...

I dont understand why the develooers ignored to implent nightvision sights and googles? Lack of information about Cold war Techbology? If yes... let me enlight you...

"The Cold War era saw significant advancements in night vision technology, driven by the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. The first-generation (Gen 1) night vision devices, developed in the 1950s and 1960s, represented a leap forward in terms of performance and usability."

General issue on Steam, Ps5 ,Xbox

Npcs are overpowered on Aimshooting. Even if you crouch silent 2 meiles to a npc base.. they know where you are... they hit u 100% not matter where u are ... they beginn shoot even if they not saw you.... they have a good nose right? Vecouse we are stinky players....

Fix this asap please...


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Use standard options buttons how the developers seted, try aim with sight and shot.. on some works maybe... but on much other its not work.

Additional Information

I tryed with 3 controllers, 1 controller is Brand new... issue is same...

Event Timeline

Kanda created this task.Jan 10 2025, 2:25 PM
Kanda updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 10 2025, 2:30 PM
Kanda changed Category from General to Engine.
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 10 2025, 5:23 PM