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You should get points for healing other players, fixing vehicles, and transporting supplies
Feedback, NormalPublic


Game version:
Modded: no
So this is just a feedback on the ranking system that's in the game has to call to get more points and these three things I have noticed that are not in there and should be because for one especially the running supplies is crucial would add more playability for these rules whereas instead of just saying hey we're just going to decommission the vehicle and buy another one or hey yeah just go ahead and die and you will respawn. Now personally me has to how this is done is if you are being a medic you must be nearby a ambulance or field hospital to get the ranking points of healing others for fixing vehicles either you must be on a repair station or have a repair truck with you does now the repair trucks get the see more action what if you're transporting supplies it's accounts for loading supplies from certain places and traveling a minimum of distance from one place to another just as if you were transporting troops.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 7 2025, 12:44 PM