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Fix Vehicle physics moving-stationary transition
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Game Version number: 1.021.169
Modded?:** (No)

For this issue if a vehicle is not at a complete stand still it will not correctly switch to stationary physics if there is any kind of force acting on it. So doing something like bringing the Skoda 105 to a rapid stop, putting on the handbrake in neutral and exiting the vehicle (also works when staying inside) while on a slight incline will cause it to slide down the hill.

In order to prevent this you need to wait for the game physics to register the vehicle as stationary (so wait for the suspension to settle once stopped and no other G-forces acting on the car) and then putting the handbrake on and being in neutral will not make the car slide.

This ends up being an issue in multiplayer games when trying to stop or dismount vehicles quickly, can be quite annoying to have your supply truck slide 1km down a hill when you've jumped out to attack an enemy ambush.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Spawn Skoda 105 in Game master on main road in southern everon in Durras
  2. Drive uphill towards Levie
  3. Slam on the brakes near the bunker with the trench, staying on the road (Grid 081040 I think?)
  4. As the vehicle is slowing put it in neutral, handbrake and exit as fast as possible
  5. Watch the car slide back down the hill

I haven't tested on all vehicles but I imagine it will be reproduceable with others given my other vehicle testing.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 6 2025, 3:01 PM