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Having an issue with my bones
Assigned, NormalPublic



Been having an issue with exporting the FBX file I do everything that it tells me to do here >>

Whenever I export my model from blender, my bones don't activate the GetInVehicle action. My bone for Door_L01 is on the door, but to activate it's on the ground to getinvehicle not sure if its a bug or not. Or am I missing something? I set everything up in SCR_BaseCompartmentManagerComponent as it should be but my bones will not work it shows up in debug menu where it is and it's not on the ground and it's on my door. I have to look towards under the car to get the action, same for Open Door and Close Door. Which I find quite odd. The location I believe is v_root where the action is showing up at.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Export Model as suggested > Go into Arma Reforger Tools and reimport > Place vehicle in map > Enable Show Bones in Debug Menu > Try to enter vehicle by where the bone is located and nothing will show up for actions.

Additional Information

Whenever I uncheck Custom Properties option the action will show up where the bone is located, but when I check the option custom properties it does not show option.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Dec 13 2024, 10:30 AM