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Rag duplication
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Yesterday (Friday 11-15) I was playing Sakhal official servers on xbox. I was crossing the ice to visit an island. I made a torch and fell in the water. The torch went out and I re ignited. Torch burned out, I then added 3 rags to start a new torch. I only wanted to use 2 rags so I held the torch, highlighted the 3 rags and held 'x' to drop rags. They didn't drop, so I set the torch down, highlighted the 3 rags and dragged the rags to my hands. When I did this, 3 rags dropped on the ground and 3 rags went into my hands. I didn't quite realize what had happened yet so I then added 3 rags, held 'x' to drop (they didn't drop) and did the same as before, moving the rags from the torch to hands and again 3 more dropped. I was able to do this as many times as I wanted, thus creating as many piles of 3rags as I wanted. I could've made 30 rags but I didn't I made about 12 and left all the rags on the ice and continued on. I did not want to carry duped gear even if it's only rags I don't want them.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

I have not tried to reproduce this as I really don't want to dupe gear but if it is necessary for a fix please email me and I will certainly do the exact method again.

Event Timeline

Was this submitted to the tracker? I don't know because I've never used this before

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Nov 18 2024, 2:50 PM