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Error 0 unable to load cloud // loading screen error // kicked out at the begining of the game // unfinte loading screens
Need More Info, NormalPublic



It is impossible to play the game i have the error 0 cloud save impossible all the time, i also get kicked out games just before the games starts, i cannot open cases when i click open it gets a loading screen and sends to starting menu with the error 0 cloud unable to load.
I re installed game several times, verified files several times, i reseted my internet, computer everything.
PLEASE do something about it i see forums topics dating from years ago with still no solution and makes your game impossible to play to a lot of people.
You said several times taht you are aware of those issues and are doing your best to fixe it. Some of those are from 5 years ago.... and you release your game if the same issues on pc.


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce

Include as detailed reproduction steps as possible if the nature of the issue allows for it.

Event Timeline

Leori created this task.Oct 28 2024, 8:44 PM
Leori added a comment.Oct 28 2024, 9:35 PM

Now i cannot enter game, unfinite waiting screen and error cloud shit. this is ... really bad

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Oct 29 2024, 2:34 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Leori.
Can you please try the following?

  • Check the network settings on the Xbox itself. Make sure there are no issues like NAT type restrictions, and run a detailed network test from the Xbox settings.
  • Ensure there are no parental controls or age verification restrictions that might be blocking the game.
  • Reset the console's network configuration. Sometimes, this can clear hidden issues.
  • If none of this helps, a factory reset of the console (without deleting games and apps) might be a good last step.