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Fireplace player damage through roof
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


I climbed on top of a house in severogorsk, just goofing around with a couple of dudes inside the house, talking to them, and I got cold so I made a fire on top of the house. I made it right above the entry way, where they were standing. As soon as I lit the fire, they started taking fire damage through the roof.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Climb on roof
Make fire on roof, above player
They take fire damage

Additional Information

It was the 1 story 3 room house with a wood stove, the one with the little mudroom, behind the new apartment, next to the road that leads to the spring. That's where they were standing. Xbox series x

Event Timeline

TheBardOfSalsa changed Reproducibility from Always to Sometimes.Oct 20 2024, 1:03 AM

Changed reproducibility to sometimes because I was unable to do it again, but I was trying to light fire and jump down to burn myself. It may be contingent on someone standing below it while the fire is being lit.

This is where the incident took place

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Oct 22 2024, 12:25 PM