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  1. Some of tree branches and rocks on ground are not shaped to simply cross through them, there are a lot of them.
  2. During tutorial if you loot the corpse after fight while agent (female narrator) is still speaking your gun will be bugged out and you won't be able to interact with anything (not a big deal, but leaves a mark for new players that are rushing it)
  3. Not a bug. Would love to see attachments for weapons like suppressors/ lasers/ double mags/ foregrips/ scopes etc... (also please add an option to remove scopes from rifles for big fans of stealthy snipers)
  4. Please make an option for daily quest reset ( just 1 time for all or 2 times for single quest). Some daily quest are not passable for new players (Example: i deconstructed all machine guns and next day i get a quest to kill 5 outlanders via machine gun, but i'm not able to craft it).
  5. Story quest for donating charity food is a bit weird, i have donated food and it will be collected in few days, but slowly somehow my quest is being complete by itself (i do not know if it's because i play encounters or it's a bug).
  6. Fishing pond would be great to bypass time while waiting for a match (rewards: food).
  7. M2 Carbine shooting range challenge V is a bit extreme as you have 10 moving targets and to get gold you need to shoot them in 10 seconds (maybe i'm just bad shooter, who knows 💃 )
  8. Some people in reviews do not like when shop is being opened on the start of the game, please remove that.
  9. Steam achivements are wrong? All the achievements i have are very rare (0.1/0.2% people that played only have them).
  10. Option to team up with other solo players would be great.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce


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Keep up with great work!

Event Timeline

MrRusky created this task.Sat, Sep 21, 12:15 AM