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Stuck on loading screen after leaving my modded server
Assigned, NormalPublic


Since update 1.2 we seem to have an issue on our modded server where if someone leaves they are stuck on a infinity loading screen , the only way out of this is to force close the game . i have turned of tons of scripts and mods but i cant seem the find the issue . after contacting Arkensor he asked me to put in a ticket as this would need to go through the proper procedure.

here is a video of what happends on leaving incl the log ,
as that is also a point to point out , there is nothing in the log showing its stuck on the end ill attach the console log aswel.

if you want to test it yourself , the server names are PLXYABLE Dayz


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce

Go in to the server and then logout , will be instant stuck on the loading screen

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Tue, Aug 27, 3:50 PM

could i please get help with this ? people been getting stuck on every relog disconnect and so on