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elimination load in bug
Assigned, NormalPublic


while queued up for an elimination match, went to switch home screen to accept friend requests i had received. the queue popped and i loaded in as the first round started. upon starting the match i spawned in the sky, falling for a while and then landing on top of the sky box. the first time this happened i survived the fall with no damage and was able to walk around, when i reproduced this for this submission i died upon landing on the skybox. all other rounds, i spawned normally BUT all load out options were question marks and instead of being able to choose between these mystery load outs it would auto-select for me for every round


-sorry for video quality. only recently got a switch and am unsure how to record video on it. picture and video taken with phone (in case that wasn't obvious). video would not work directly uploaded. here it is on drive:


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

queue for elimination, press home screen button. remain on home screen until the first round of the match will have started. fly like a bird that lost its wings mid-flight. note: i don't know if accepting friend requests is required to reproduce. all of above mentioned i know is required at minimum other than friend accept.

Event Timeline

socket created this task.Aug 23 2024, 3:09 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Aug 26 2024, 3:54 PM