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Stage 1 blood infection doesn't go away
Awaiting internal Testing, UrgentPublic


Character grunts and vision goes blurry, like the first stage of a blood infection. However this never goes away, even after trying to get food, water, and temp all in the healthy zone and taking at minimum 11 tetracycline. Appears to be transferable over to others through water bottle with the same effects, but never becoming more severe. I had had a stage 1 blood infection for almost 17 real hours on an official server, and am playing on a community server, only for the same issue to happen, for almost 5 hours without progressing. The issue isn't severe, but players can hear the grunts, making stealth almost impossible.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 7
Health System

Event Timeline

Hennie created this task.Sun, Aug 18, 9:53 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Mon, Aug 19, 1:47 PM