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Ammo stacking Xbox/Playstation Specific
Feedback, UrgentPublic


Without the help of a mouse the ammo is the hardest thing to organize. Now that ammo quality doesn't matter please allow automatic stacking of same ammo types. I have arthritis in my hands and my left thumb is really sore after playing because having to change pages so frequently in the inventory screens. Ammo stacking would save me so much time from moving pages combining so much.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Try organizing 1000 of each different ammo type with just a controller for a week for your team of 4.

Try not to get carpal tunnel or arthritis by 40 years old.

Additional Information

The algorithm is already in place when combining ammo together so just automate it to stack for the console only servers.


*if ammotype exists in player, combine.

overflow to ground,

This could fix the issue with crossbow bolts not stacking as well. Or you can test this feature with the crossbow bolts and see how well it works. Then implement to console ammo at a later date.

Event Timeline

Wobo.Jr created this task.Sat, Aug 17, 3:23 AM

Maybe we can have a hotkey at the top of console inventory to combine all visible ammo?

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Mon, Aug 19, 1:25 PM