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Plate carrier Armor
Feedback, UrgentPublic


The plate carrier armor seems to have been increased as well because every large to medium military base seems to have at least three or Four Armored infected inside the military bases. It would seem there should be a decrease in the plate carriers, considering how they are the strongest in the game And the armored infected that are carrying the plate carriers should always be damaged or badly damaged, not pristine. You should only be able to get pristine plate carriers from helicopter crashes or convoy crashes or train convoy crashes otherwise there’s no point in having plate carriers spawn at crash sites or convoys if zombies are going to have pristine ones on them. The game is no fun if everybody that you’re going to be fighting is Always wearing plate carriers there’needs to be a mixup of the armors in the game with the Play carries being the hardest to acquire, or at least a pristine plate carrier being the hardest to acquire, not just pulling it off a dead infected


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Aug 14 2024, 11:36 AM