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Ghost bullets on shotguns ( bk12 bk43 bk133 and vagia)
Awaiting internal Testing, UrgentPublic


So not so recently I have encountered a bug in other words called ghost bullets but only on shotguns all my other weapons such as m4s and other weapons are fine but not shotguns. Everytime I either shoot buck shot or the rifle slugs it occurs and if I want to log off for é.g. The timer will disappear but I am aware wobo tools has made a video of it but the video says it's something to due with ping or internet but I don't believe so because if that was the case then all my guns would have ghost bullets but strangely only shotguns. Aswell with pvp when I enter pvp and I shoot the shotguns ( bk 12 bk 43 bk133 viaga) the ghost bullets appear and then my other weapons will get ghost bullets and I would have to be forced to use my melee weapons same with The logging off where the timer diasppers. And I know this bug has been for a few years in this game now but pls fix it. Thank you :)


Operating System
Windows 10
AI Aiming / Shooting
Additional Information

To fix the bug u will have to close Dayz and reopen it

Event Timeline

Tambo_dayz changed Operating System from Windows 7 to Windows 10.
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Aug 12 2024, 11:43 AM