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Common cold Sickness
Feedback, UrgentPublic


While starting out fresh on the coast at least four different times I have gotten the cold sickness while not even being cold, freezing or wet I have only seen the cold sickness progress further while only having water and food in the yellow if your food and water is in the white, the common cold doesn’t seem to progress and as soon as you do get cold and you get the common cold sickness as soon as you ring out your clothing and start moving around the sickness seems to go away even without taking medicine. I have personally had this happen 13 different times while trying to test out the new common cold/pneumonia , but it’s only progressed and almost killed me once while my food and water was at yellow and after two minutes of waiting, my health dropped to read, and then my food and water hit red so I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if this is just how the New cold sickness works now but most of the time I haven’t had to take any medicine at all to get rid of the cold sickness even after it progressed it almost killed me as soon as I got warm and my clothes out at the smallest amount of food it went away


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

As soon as you start out or as soon as your character gets cold or wet from the rain, it seems within five minutes she will get the cold sickness, but if you dry your clothes out, it seems the sickness will just go away by itself within a couple of minutes without having to take any pills The only time I’ve had the common cold progress is when my food and water were at yellow and after two minutes my health drop to red and then my water and food drop to red and I took vitamins and ate one piece of raw meat and then cooked one piece of meat on a stick And my sickness was fine. It went away.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Aug 12 2024, 11:48 AM