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Headlamp accessory
Confirmed Internally, UrgentPublic


While you are wearing one of the two headlamps, if you have your weapon out at any point in time, if you try to turn the lamp on or off by only pressing the honor off button once too fast too many times it will repeatedly start to eject rounds out of The weapon in your hands, this is only caused by what seems to be a delay in between pressing why wants and then immediately pressing it again within the 1 to 3 Second window will cause your weapon to constantly eject rounds every time you try to turn your light on or back off. now for the second part of the headlamp while wearing it if you have any weapon in hand while it is completely empty of ammo and your headlamp is on, you cannot turn the headlamp off because the character will continue to un unload the weapon or try to eject shells out of an empty gun in your light will not shut off if the gun is completely empty so if you’re being shot at In the nighttime and you’re running away and your guns empty, and you’re trying to turn your light off while running away from being shot with an empty gun in your hand, your light will not turn off until you reload your weapon.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

If you’re wearing a headlamp and you press the on off button for the headlamp from what seems to be a 1 to 3 Second window too fast your character will start ejecting rounds out of the weapon that he is carrying currently in his hand. so it essentially seems to act as if you’re pressing the on off twice when you’re actually only pushing it once from one to a three second window. Now, if you have a completely empty weapon in your hand, doesn’t matter what type or what kind in you’re wearing a headlamp at night time and you’re being shot out your headlamp will not shut off. You’ll just keep ejecting your gun until it is reloaded.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Aug 12 2024, 11:49 AM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.Mon, Sep 9, 10:31 AM