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Dayz US - MI - 4179 (first person only) major chrash
Reviewed, UrgentPublic


My game froze for about 3 minutes while I was fighting zombies in Kamishovo. I was still staring at the ground for 3+ minutes before it finally crashed. I went back into the game, loaded in, only to find my self as a new spawn. I went back to kamishovo only to find my body still standing and hunched over in the middle of the road. I also heard my few shotgun shots ring off AFTER I was staring at my still alive character, who's holding my gun.


Operating System
Windows 7
Game Crash
Additional Information

The same thing happened to my friend Ragemonster2008. Same place on the map, and same situation where our old "dead" bodies were standing and grunting. We both lost our clothes and some of our loot as well.

Event Timeline

Please find a way for me to not have to experience this again

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Aug 1 2024, 10:55 AM