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Shootout wrong gun displayed
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


So in Shootout, when you pickup a gun from the crates, for instance the L96 and you have a lets say M4 on you, you can One-Tap people because the game thinks that your M4 is the L96.

I have created a 3 minutes long video clip of raw material, where you can see me use the AKS-U but the game thinks im using the SVU which definatly makes more damage, and makes me kill people more easy. i have found out, to cancel the glitch, you just need to change wepon again.

Video Link:

Vigor ID: ac20bac9-2376-43a6-ab15-3210e7409c24


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Im not 100% sure

It seems like, you just need to pick up a wepon from the crate, and immediately change wepon again.
maybe it also has something to do with the reloading, it seems to happen aswell if you reload the same second you take the wepon from the crate

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jul 25 2024, 12:05 PM

Hello, I couldn’t find where to write, so I’m writing here! There are cheaters in the game, as well as players who run together in battles!
There are individual players who run all over the map and destroy everyone, it’s not clear how they find them and attack them with any weapon, instantly killing them.
There is no response to tickets in the game. Please look into it since it is impossible to play. I found the profile of a potential cheater, or software that already has a vac ban, I am attaching the link. Rid the game of dishonest players.