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Personal armor has no protective effect and the wrong damage module
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


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Issue Description: As this video I uploaded shows, the body armor of the American camp seems to be ineffective against the 9mm pistol, only able to withstand 3 shots, previously it was able to withstand at least 15 shots, and there is a wrong damage module division, I shot the body armor part but there is blood on the human arm, which was not there before. Hope to fix this error.


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce

As this video I uploaded shows, the body armor of the American camp seems to be ineffective against the 9mm pistol, only able to withstand 3 shots, previously it was able to withstand at least 15 shots, and there is a wrong damage module division, I shot the body armor part but there is blood on the{F4188826} human arm, which was not there before. Hope to fix this error.

Additional Information

If you watched the video in the file I uploaded, you can understand what the two mistakes I reported were.

Event Timeline

mike110999 changed Operating System from Windows 7 to Windows 10.Thu, Jul 4, 3:46 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Thu, Jul 4, 11:24 AM