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lots of bugs
Reviewed, UrgentPublic


I have found quite a few very frustrating bugs since I’ve started playing dayz the last few months. Starting with the worst of them, character will glitch out and won’t register that i’m running from zombies and I will die. I will run into a house to get away from zombies and either the door won’t close due to lag or I will lag out and zombies will still get registered hits on me even though i’m supposedly running down the street away from them with no zombies anywhere near me they are still “hitting me”. I was alive for days and had everything I could need but because of a glitch I was killed.

2nd Sometimes when you are kicked from a game due to connection or whatever may be (not server restart) I have died because I was in the middle of running from
zombies and when I joined back into the game my character had “died” from the zombies after being kicked from a game.

3rd I believe it’s from moving in and out of inventory too fast I don’t even know what causes it but your character suddenly cannot do anything. Can’t get items out of your hand can’t open doors or shoot. Only thing you can do is walk or run. Leaving the game fixes it but is quite annoying.

Absolutely love the game despite its many bugs and I will always be a fan. The mass amount of bugs does make it extremely frustrating though when you love a game so much but can’t play properly due to these issues. I sometimes tell myself I’m over the game because it’s so frustrating when you work so hard and have a charecter for days on end and suddenly die due to a glitch or a door smashing you into a wall.

Thank you for all your hard work you guys put into this game it’s an absolute beauty of a game I look forward to and hope to see all the updates and advances made to this game.


Operating System
Windows 7
Game Crash

Event Timeline

These bugs were found through xbox and PC

This game requires a good internet connection due to how server based it is. If you encounter these “bugs”, test your internet speed and see if it is slow. The game doesn’t perform well when Internet is slow and it seems that most of your ailments here are from poor internet connection.

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jun 24 2024, 11:15 AM