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Support Module - Direct Fire Support
New, NormalPublic


A module to create a fire support provider which simply fires at the requester's target using small arms or occupied vehicle turrets. This will fill a massive hole in the supports system, where a player unit can simply ask any kind of AI unit for help. Examples include:

  • AI controlled tank firing at an enemy vehicle/position at the request of a player
  • AI squad providing suppression at a players request
  • AI VTOL Blackfish gunship providing CAS for a player.

Players should be able to specify the used ammunition when requesting a vehicle support provider. For example, A tank firing HE at an infantry position, or selecting which type of ammo to fire from a Blackfish VTOL gunship.

Some additional thoughts:

  • Perhaps reveal the position of the target if a vehicle or character to the support provider to allow for more accurate fire against moving targets. More applicable to vehicles.
    • Consider concealing the target to the support provider after the fire mission is complete. The provider may unintentionally continue firing upon the target despite the request being complete.
  • Consideration for different weapon applications and types. Automatic weapons/Autocannons using time fired instead of rounds fired. Larger weapons like cannons, rockets and missiles using rounds fired seems more applicable.
    • Using weapon groups to classify which type (duration/rounds fired) to use?
  • If there's no target character or vehicle, just shoot the targeted position.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Feature Request

Event Timeline

Epic_Busta updated the task description. (Show Details)