It would be great to see some additions to gameplay.json by this i mean something along these lines. Two new files called
What these file would do is bypass the default "disableBaseDamage": false
So as we all know if we have this setting it enables the entire map to be raidable, however if there was another file that linked to the base damage we could have basically exception zones. So using a code snippet from cfgundergroundtriggers.josn
File Name:- basedamagearea.json
Using this example would mean that the police station at Berezino and anything built or placed within the 50M radius would then bypass the gameplay file setting and become unraidable.
Something like this feature for community servers would be game changing because servers with traders wouldn't have to alter any files or turn their traders off if there was a raid event taking place.
So basically you have the entire map set to "disableBaseDamage": false with the exception of basedamagearea.json this area would then become unraidable. So the new cfggameplay.json would look like.
"version": 122,
"disableBaseDamage": false, "baseDamageArea": ["custom,basedamagearea.json"] "disableContainerDamage": false, "baseContainerArea": ["custom,containerdamagearea.json"]
I understand that this wouldn't effect official servers but for community servers i think this would open up a massive opportunity for people to run interesting types of servers.
I understand that this would probably not get approved but its defiantly worth investigating.