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[1.25 Stable] Items Don't Spawned Ruined Via CfgSpawnableTypes.xml Unless Damage Min/Max is 1.0
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Items do not spawn in a ruined state via CfgSpawnableTypes.xml unless the Damage Min/Max values are set to 1.0. This limitation prevents configuring a random chance for items to spawn in a ruined state.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Modify "CfgSpawnableTypes.xml" to include an item with a Damage Min value less than 1.0 and a Damage Max value of 1.0.
  2. Observe that the item does not spawn in a ruined state.
  3. Adjust the Damage Min/Max values to 1.0.
  4. Observe that the item spawns exclusively in a ruined state, eliminating the possibility for a random chance.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Scronkyy created this task.Thu, Jun 13, 2:48 AM

It's quite frustrating that we can't configure a random chance for items to spawn in a ruined state via the "CfgSpawnableTypes.xml" file. The requirement to set both Damage Min/Max values to 1.0 forces items to always spawn in a completely ruined state, removing any possibility for variation. I hope this can be addressed in a future update to allow more flexibility in setting item conditions in the game.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Thu, Jun 13, 10:44 AM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Thu, Jun 13, 1:50 PM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Scronkyy.
It is possible to spawn ruined items but you will have to play around a little bit with cleanup lifetime timers for ruined items in global.xml:
If you set it for like an hour, they will not despawn by CE.
Keep in mind that restarting the server will always result in cleanup of the ruined items, as that is how the system works and cannot be changed.

Scronkyy added a comment.EditedSun, Jun 16, 4:02 AM

This is not the issue. The object will not spawn as ruined; it will only spawn as badly damaged unless explicitly forced with a min/max value of 1.0. It seems there might be some confusion with object despawn, but this is a completely separate issue not related to the CLE.

For example, when trying to implement a chance for a vehicle tire to spawn with varying damage values, including ruined, you would add this entry to the cfgspawnabletypes:

<type name="CivSedanWheel">
    <damage min="0.55" max="1.00" />

In this configuration, a damage value of 0.55 represents a worn/badly damaged tire, while 1.00 represents a ruined tire. However, even if you set the minimum damage to 0.99 and the maximum to 1.00, the tire will never spawn with a damage value of 1.00. It will only spawn as badly damaged.

It appears there may be a script that prevents objects from spawning in a ruined state unless explicitly set. To ensure a tire spawns as ruined, you must set both the minimum and maximum damage values to 1.00. This means that the tire will not spawn as ruined by random chance but only through explicit configuration.

Could you please investigate this further with these observations in mind? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Geez added a comment.Mon, Jun 17, 10:07 AM

Hello Scronkyy.
Our philosophy is that once something becomes ruined, it is in a state that renders the item completely unusable. With this in mind, it makes no sense for us to spawn any items in a ruined state or even store those items on server and cause unnecessary strain on our servers. That is why we even use a special timer in "globals.xml" that makes sure we quickly get rid of any unusable items. From our testing, we have discovered that you can indeed spawn ruined items, but only if you set these items to spawn in this specific manner. If you set a quality range for item, those items will truly never spawn ruined, even if that range includes this state. Currently we do not consider what you have described as an issue due to the reasons mentioned above. Thank you for your feedback
