Hi there guys,
Recently our servers have opened up 4 console servers! We have good behaving people and badly behaving people. Those badly behaving people get a ban cause we see them doing something that breaks the rules.
Basically what it boils down to that we see a lot of people that are banned for rule breaking comming into the Discord and asking for help cause they dont know the reason why they are banned. This creates a lot of pressure on the admins on the server to respond to every query individually. The issue here is that the players don't know the reason why they are banned.
On PC dayz you can ban someone and put in a message with reasoning.
I think if this were possible to do on console aswell, we would get a lot less players that dont know why they are banned. I've asked Nitrado (console server hoster) aswell and they say its a vanilla game limitation on console. Hence why I suggest the feature here.
I hope I made myself clear and this is the right place. If there are any questions, feel free to reach out. I would love to be able to put in reasons in the ban message to have clear communication with the players!