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Make helicopters easier to repair in the field. Make them easier to unload in the field
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Helicopeter life is harsh. When you unload the helicopter it keeps rotating. When the tail rotor breaks it is really hard to repair. In many cases the helicoper when it breaks is with one wheel in a hole. or on a incline or against a lamp at an unload station. Then it keeps moving slightly. And getting the repair annimantion to work on the tail rotor is a big pain. Also the repair truck mus be one meter away from the tail rotor. Which is annoying when you heli is stuck between trenches. Why does it matter if the truck is 1m away or 10m away. You have the truck. Just let me repair the heli whitout making it imposible difficult. It never breaks down on a flat open airfield its always a bit more difficult place when it happens.

And also the russion helicopter when its on the helipad. The tail always sticks out from the pad. And then the tail is hard to repair. Just make it a bit easier please. Somethimes the tail is even to far away to start the animation when the nose of the mi8 is in a small hole.

Also unloading is a bit difficult. Ussualy I don't want to build a helipad and just land next to a supply station. The helipad can not hold enough supplies and is easilly filled up. And also when you have a supplie station you have to land really close to the sign of the station. Why not just in the region of the station itself in stead of making a region where you should be around the sing.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Ricks created this task.May 31 2024, 3:41 PM