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Request for more build-able structures
Feedback, NormalPublic


Game Version number: N/A
Modded?: NO

The construction build mode for Conflict is a great addition but feels like it's lacking variety after using the same objects over and over again. I would like to see more compositions added aswell as more variety to Sandbags and camoflage tents. It would be nice to have the option to build camoflaged sand bags or one's that have barbed wire on top to prevent people climbing over. Along with that, it would be nice to have different size / shaped sandbags aswell.
For the tents, I would like to see more shapes and sizes for them too.
rightnow we only have 3 different sized tents. They are limited as to What you can do with them.

Last thing I will say is the building mode can be way to restrictive at times when it comes to placing down objects, especially when your placing objects down underneath a tent. Shrubs and bushes can block your ability to build to much.

Klamacz told me to drop my ideas here.


Operating System
Windows 10
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Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.May 29 2024, 12:14 PM