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Export Terrain into new .ASC differs from original imported Data (different header size)
Assigned, NormalPublic


The attached pic shows 2 terrain .ASC files.

The upper one is the original (an export from buldozder) which was imported into Reforger for terrain editing. As you can see in the header is on 4096x4096.

After doing some terrain editing within i exported the backed data back into a new .asc file (bottom half of pic).

Problem on the new exported file: Now the header changed into 4097x4097 and the first data line seems to be duplicated.

Problem: This file cant be used now in other programs as a reference of the original one (since it differs from the original one).


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Import a .ASC file into WorldEditor (V1.1.0.42) - which you exported from old buldozer (check header first).

Do some terrain work in Reforger.

Bake it.

Export it in new .ASC file.

Check header and data again.

Event Timeline

It seems exporting adds additional datarow in X and Y.

I noticed also the very last value in every line gets duplicated:

JohnMcLane updated the task description. (Show Details)May 26 2024, 8:02 AM
Zelik added a subscriber: Zelik.May 26 2024, 8:51 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Mon, May 27, 12:37 PM