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Arma Experimental bugs
Reviewed, NormalPublic


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Game Version number: by
Modded?: (Yes/No)
If modded, please list the mods: Not modded

Issue Description:
From experimenting in Game master I have stumbled upon a few bugs

“Open Context Menu” simply does not work even after resetting the session

The “Low ready” button for “LS” does absolutely nothing after the change from holding LS to tapping LS

The “Lean while Aiming” key bind are miss matched “Lean Right while aiming” will make the character lean left instead of right and the “Lean left while Aiming” will make the character lean right instead of left

The new explosive charges can kill and injure people behind indestructible walls example: houses


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Please include reproduction steps here!!!!

Go into game master and hover over an AI or an Object and use the Open Context Menu

Try putting your weapon into low ready by pressing down on LS(Left Stick)

For the Leaning key bind bind any button on your controller to “Lean right while aiming” aim down sights and press the button you binded to that key bind and notice that your character leans the opposite direction it says in the settings

Stick a block of C-4 on an outside wall the enter the house then detonate the charge

Additional Information

That is all I have collected so far I will come back immediately if I find anymore bugs

Have a good weekend - TinSharky

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.May 20 2024, 1:04 PM